Welcome to Marion Local Elementary/Middle School! Education is not just about imparting know
ledge; it is about fostering a love for learning, encouraging creativity, and instilling values that will shape our students into compassionate and responsible citizens. At Marion Local, we are committed to creating a safe, inclusive, and engaging learning environment where each child can thrive academically, emotionally, and socially.The Marion Local staff is a team of highly skilled and dedicated educators who are passionate about creating enriching experiences that unlock the talents of each child. We strive to provide the best education as we believe in our motto of ‘Every student. Every day. Whatever it takes.’
Beyond academics, a strong partnership between school and home is a valuable part of a child’s success. We encourage communication and value your involvement in your child's education. I hope you find the Marion Local website offers you information and resources that you need to support your child. If you have any questions about Marion Local Elementary/Middle School, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Go Flyers!
Kelli Thobe, Principal
419-925-4595 (x. 1107)
[email protected]